Estate Planning Attorney, Massachusetts

Estate Planning 

A “basic” estate plan includes a last will and testament (directing that your choice of the distribution of assets is implemented), a durable power of attorney (affording a person you trust to handle your affairs in the event of an incapacitation) and health care proxy documents (choosing the trusted individual to make important medical decisions on your behalf in the event you cannot and directing what medical decisions you wish).

The estate planning attorneys at Moody & Knoth, P.C. understand that different family or personal circumstances impact the decision making process for each person’s estate plan. Contact Moody & Knoth, P.C. to craft a personalized estate plan designed for your particular circumstances.

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Estate Planning Topics

Estate & Tax Planning

Moody & Knoth, P.C. can craft a personalized estate plan designed for your particular circumstances.


Your will is a legal document where you designate the persons who will receive the assets you own.


As your circumstances warrant, a trust may be a most effective and appropriate vehicle for your estate plan goals.


We advise and represent personal representatives throughout the probate process.

Personal Representative for Probate

If you have been appointed a personal representative of a will, we can advise throughout the process.

Health Care Proxy

Health care proxy documents ensure your medical decisions are carried out in the event you become incapacitated.

Powers of Attorney

A durable power of attorney provides a means of attending to your financial matters in a time of crisis or incapacitation.

Are You in Need of an Experienced Estate Planning or Probate Attorney?

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