Business Law Attorney, Massachusetts

An Experienced Business Law Firm

As business law atttorneys, Moody & Knoth, P.C. devotes a significant portion of its practice to the representation of small and medium-sized business entities throughout the South Shore.

The firm is diverse and experienced enough to advise businesses in the formation of its business entity (LLC, Corporation, Subchapter S Corporation, Partnership) through documentation (By-Laws, Operating Agreements, Shareholder Agreements, Buy-Sell Agreements, Leases), start-up (licensing, financing agreements, employee agreements) and operation of the enterprise.

Our negotiation skills help you with contracts and agreements while our litigation experience provides representation if circumstances require court involvement.

business law attorney massachusetts   photo of briefcase

An Experienced Business Law Firm

Business Formation

Informed advice for selecting the form of business entity most suitable for your business.


Assistance with any and all contracts or agreements you encounter in the course of your business.

Business Litigation

The business litigation practice of Moody & Knoth, P.C. covers virtually every type of business.

Purchase of Business (Assets) or Sale of Business (Assets)

The business law attorneys at Moody & Knoth, P.C. have handled numerous purchases and sales of businesses and/or of a company’s assets.

Liquor License Application or Transfer

Contact Moody & Knoth, P.C. today if your restaurant needs assistance with the liquor licensing process

Are You in Need of an Experienced Business Law Attorney?

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